Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just sayin...

I should practice what I preach more often... and question.

I was talking to a friend of mine today about M.I.A. and how great I thought she was for standing up for those ignored in society. My friend immediately disagreed saying, "M.I.A. sucks and looks dirty". I asked, "How does she suck if stands up against corrupt governments?". My friend said, "Everyone is trying to do that and nothing happens, M.I.A. sells $500 dollar clothes, so yeah right she stands up for poor people". I did not doubt she sold clothes... but out an outrageous price? no way. Before checking out the clothes I mentioned to another friend that perhaps the proceeds were going to a charity, and he said that the proceeds were going to her child. haha. I checked out the website and sure enough, $210.00 for something called a "Mexico Jacket" and a surplus of other overpriced, unoriginal and unattractive designs. M.I.A. is another product. pretentious. Claiming to care about "third world democracy", poverty and human rights. Sell something those you advocate for can afford. I still like her music tho.

Here is the proof:

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