Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Current Obsession

I've become obsessed with Yves Saint Laurent Trib Two Platform Pumps. Everyone from Kim Kardashian to Lindsay Lohan have been spotted wearing them. They are super fabulous and Tres chic, bless YSL. At $795.00 they make a great b-day gift for yours truly... =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I want...

1. The New World Order to be a myth.
2. An American Boy
3. People to stop complaining about high gas prices.. It is a commodity NOT a right.
4. Dreams to become realities
5. A really awesome job after I graduate.
6. Everyone to be educated so that I no longer have to hear inaccurate and ignorant statements.
7. This coming spring break to be awesome =)
8. My really expensive sunglasses back. =(
9. People to start being more socially responsible.
10. To improve my dj skills.

My Top 6

Artists of recent time.

1. Willem de Kooning
2. Mark Ryden
3. Andy Warhol
4. Damien Hirst
5. Vigée Le Brun (rococo artist, obvi. not of recent time)
6. Jeff Koons

Look them up, learn something.

We Share Our Mothers' Health

The Knife. They are a Swedish electronica duo who have been around since 2003. The video is pretty cool and the song is obvi amazing. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Music Minute

This is why music is in the crapper. To make a "club hit", all you need is an 808 kit and some flashy gimmick dance. Also you are entitled to talk about anything you want including how to do the "stanky legg dance" whatever that means. This makes me laugh.

Thanks George. Snap is DONE. Glad we agree.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Watch this till the end =)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fashion Do's and Dont's

This past Sunday were the Grammy's. Here are some do's and dont's when showing up on the red carpet.


Classy and fun flirty dresses are a definite hit.

and guys show up with a classy date, who is dressed as tidy as you.


Show up wearing outrageous outfits, that scream "LOOK AT ME". It just makes you look trashy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hey everyone! I am a huge fan of mixtapes. Go support my friend joseph gettright. He's a hollywood DJ and a part of the Power 106 flava unit. He has a new mixtape out, "Chil-lectro" and if you are a fan of electro or good music you should definitely check it out.

Go to his site,
click on the music tab and you can either listen to or download his mixtape.


Black History Month

In honor of black history month I figured I should post something.

Many technological advancements have been developed by African Americans. Elijah McCoy invented an oil-dripping cup for trains in 1872. This allowed trains to be more efficient and run faster amongst other things. Many tried to copy his invention but they didn’t work as well. This is how the term “the real McCoy” developed, because his product worked so well.


Marilyn Monroe once said, "Ever notice how 'what the hell?' is always the right answer?". I did a little experiment and said what the hell after everything my roommate asked. If you don't wanna answer the question it works wonders because it is unexpected and makes you laugh. Try it. =)

Fashion Haus: Jenny Packham

I've become completely obsessed with British designer, Jenny Packham. She IS hollywoods go to designer responsible for many of the fun flirty party dresses most of us have seen stars wearing in magazine. Some say she is the "First lady of partywear". She specializes in party dresses, evening gowns and bridal wear. She is very detailed and each dress is a "unique confection fo the finest and prettiest details". Complete fabulousness. Now if I could only come up with enough dough to afford all the $3,000+ dresses I want...

Here are a few of her designs:


You can vote however you like

I know elections are over and this has been out for a while, but it's a cute video.

The Really, Really Giving Tree

One of my favorite books has been victimized on youtube. Funny.

Hey Boy

Great Song by The Blow.

We've been listening to the same song

Thought this was pretty cool.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just sayin...

I should practice what I preach more often... and question.

I was talking to a friend of mine today about M.I.A. and how great I thought she was for standing up for those ignored in society. My friend immediately disagreed saying, "M.I.A. sucks and looks dirty". I asked, "How does she suck if stands up against corrupt governments?". My friend said, "Everyone is trying to do that and nothing happens, M.I.A. sells $500 dollar clothes, so yeah right she stands up for poor people". I did not doubt she sold clothes... but out an outrageous price? no way. Before checking out the clothes I mentioned to another friend that perhaps the proceeds were going to a charity, and he said that the proceeds were going to her child. haha. I checked out the website and sure enough, $210.00 for something called a "Mexico Jacket" and a surplus of other overpriced, unoriginal and unattractive designs. M.I.A. is another product. pretentious. Claiming to care about "third world democracy", poverty and human rights. Sell something those you advocate for can afford. I still like her music tho.

Here is the proof:

Monday, February 2, 2009

McGraw-Hill shaped the way I saw the world...

I read an essay the other day written by, James W. Lowen titled "Handicapped By History", and I noticed a reference directed at a company named McGraw-Hill. K-12 I would see the name “McGraw-Hill” on the spine of my textbooks, and I would always wonder why all my textbooks where made by the same company. McGraw-Hill has shaped the way I view history.

Textbooks are written in a way intended to color the way we view history. The article mentioned Helen Keller and how she is portrayed in textbooks as such a good, inspirational person who despite being deaf and mute, had accomplished a lot. Textbooks do not mention the fact that she was a socialist who praised to communist party. The essay extensively discussed the 28th U.S. president, Woodrow Wilson. The way he is talked about in textbooks makes him seem like a good person but in reality he was a racist who did not believe in the women’s suffrage movement.

Why would textbooks portray these people like heroes? I believe, that by leaving all the bad the person did in his or her lifetime and merely presenting the good, you create the ideal person, the role model that everyone can follow and aspire to be.

The way American history heroes are portrayed is almost like the celebrity obsession Americans have now in days. We see these heroes and celebrities as perfect, flawless, successful, role models who do no wrongdoing and many aspire to be like them, because we are under the illusion that they are such great people. Textbooks frame stories a bit, and the history children learn in school is slightly altered. If you think about it, it's easier for a child to comprehend good rather than bad because they are so naive.

I am an advocate of finding truth when the world around you does not make sense. You can never be too sure about anything. My tenth grade AP World History teacher wrote in my yearbook to "keep questioning the world". My point is that we should question everything, and you might uncover a hidden truth. My problem is, when that truth is attained what do we do with it? Should we learn how to take the good with the bad and hope it all evens out in the end? What about exposing the truth (as Lowen did)? Does that make a difference?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Art Of The Day: Excavation

Today I went to the Getty Museum for the millionth time (I LOVE art and i'm an Art History minor). A friend of mine needed help with an art paper (I am by no means an expert, just a helping hand). We browsed around for a while enjoying the nice weather + smog (gotta love L.A.). Any who, I want to share with you all one of my favorite pieces of art. The first time I saw "Excavation" by Willem de Kooning (1950) was last year in my contemporary art class and I immediately fell in love with it. You see fragments of what might be eyes, teeth, curves, fragments of bodies, lines. It is difficult to understand as are most abstract expressionist works, you can stare at Excavation for two hours straight and not understand it all. De Kooning was very concerned with the relation of the individual to his or her environment. He once said, "Everything that passes me I can only see a little of; but i'm always looking and I see an awful lot sometimes." That is a fair explanation of what we see in the painting. It is difficult to understand because it is a recollection of fragments of what we see all sorts of mixed up. What I like is that if you try to think back to what you did today in a way it all sort of looks like this painting, you don't remember EVERYTHING you saw and did. This is an interesting concept, attempting to capture everything you remember. Try it.

Here it is in its current location, The Art Institute of Chicago.